Rubix Wallet API
- Testnet:
- Mainnet:
To interact with the Rubix network, follow the sequence below:
- Create a Wallet – Initiate the wallet creation process to generate a unique DID.
- Authenticate – Log in using your credentials to obtain an authentication token, which is required for all further API calls.
- Register DID – Once authenticated, register your DID to be recognized on the network.
- Check Balance – Retrieve the current RBT balance associated with the DID.
- Transactions & Signing – Any transaction requiring authorization must be signed using the Pass Signature endpoint.
For developers integrating Rubix Wallet with their dApps or requiring extended functionalities, a comprehensive set of API endpoints is available. Refer to the SafePass API Documentation for complete specifications and additional features.
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Sample Request | Sample Response |
Create Wallet | /create | Creates a new wallet and returns a DID | curl -X POST -d '{"email":"","password":"123","name":"bob", "wallet_type":"self-custody", "public_key":"041756d13ad46e7811c99c961762472aa64a67554ae09e78b9c096350bc6a8bed3798fe19e3e3203a69d0ac00a60dc32b3652a2e7e372a7c60a64a1f3e06ec4c18"}' | json { "did": "bafybmiatw5srgqlw3t5sm4buktu5gcgbfhkgujohem3o3a4cusvt424sei", "email": "", "name": "bob" } |
Login | /login | Authenticates user and returns JWT token | curl -L -X POST '' --data-raw '{ "email": "", "password": "123" }' | json { "token": "<jwt token>" } |
Register DID | /register_did | Registers user DID on the network | curl -L -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt token>' -d '{ "did":"<user DID>" }' | json { "status": true, "message": "DID registered successfully", "result": null } |
Get Balance | /request_balance | Fetches current balance of the user | curl -L -X GET "<user DID>" -H 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt token>' | json { "status": true, "message": "Got account info successfully", "result": [{ "Did": "<user DID>", "Rbt_amount": 1 }] } |
Transfer RBT | /request_txn | Initiates an RBT transfer | curl -L -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt token>' -d '{ "did":"<sender DID>", "receiver":"<receiver DID>", "rbt_amount": <transaction amount> }' | json { "status": true, "message": "Transaction initiated", "result": { "did": "<rubix node DID>", "sign_data": { "hash": "<string>", "id": "<string>", "mode": 4 } } } |
Pass Signature | /pass_signature | Provides signature for transaction finalization | curl -L -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt token>' -d '{ "did": "<sender DID>", "sign_response": { "id": "<string>", "mode": 4, "signature": { "Signature": "<[ ]byte>" } } }' | json { "status": true, "message": "Transfer finished successfully in <time> with trnxid <transaction id>", "result": null } |