IPFS and Peer ID

IPFS (Interplanetary File System)

IPFS is a relatively new hypermedia protocol and decentralized data storage system that leverages a peer-to-peer (p2p) network architecture.

By comparison, IPFS uses content-based addressing so that content can be verified and decoupled from distant servers, and stored closer to the user. It does that through the use of content identifiers (CIDs), or “labels” which are used to point to material in IPFS. CIDs are generated based on the content’s cryptographic hash, or a function that uses mathematical algorithms to take some arbitrary input and return a fixed-length value.

Any discrepancies in the content will result in a different CID, and the same content added to different IPFS nodes will still produce the same CID, meaning that users can easily verify the integrity of the data.

If you have questions or feedback, please DM us at @rubixchain.

What happens when the mining level upgrades?

Credits required to mine a RBT doubles every time the mining level increases. For example, if a node requires 32 credits to mine a RBT in level 3, then the next level requires 64 credits to mine a RBT in level 4. Hence it is reccomended to mine RBT as soon as the required credits are accumulated.


  • Network is currently mining in level 4 - reached on 5 th march 2022