Setup Rubix Node

Nodes in Rubix mine tokens by utilizing credits earned by validating transactions in the network.

When a new node joins the network, it will have 0 credits and 0 tokens to start with. Over the time common pool will pick the node to validate transactions coming to the network. For every transaction that is validated, the node will earn 1 credit. Credits are non transferable and are only used to mine a new RBT token.

Number of credits required by a node to mine a RBT token is determined by current level of the network. For example, if the network is at level 3, a node will need 32 credits to mine a token. If the network is at level 4, a node will need 64 credits to mine a RBT token. Credits required to mine a token doubles every time the network level increases.

To know more about level and credits, please read the Whitepaper.


Any computer or personal laptop with 8GB of RAM and a decent internet connection can seamlessly run Rubix for token transfers / become validator / mining.

One Step Installation

Use one step installation script for Linux / Windows / Mac machines. This script will install all the required dependencies. Once the dependencies are installed you can download the Latest Release from the link provided in the Latest Releases.

If you are not interested in One-Click Pre-Requisite setup, kindly download the document from here for Linux

One Click Setup for Linux
  • Open a fresh instance of terminal under download path and run the following commands (without $)

  • $ chmod +x RubixOneClickSetup-Linux

  • $ ./RubixOneClickSetup-Linux

  • Provide user password when asked

For detailed instruction Click Here

One Click Setup for Mac
  • Open a fresh instance of terminal under download path and run the following commands (without $)

  • $ chmod +x RubixOneClickSetup-MacOS

  • $ ./RubixOneClickSetup-MacOS

  • Provide user password when asked

For detailed instruction Click Here

One Click Setup for Windows
  • Open a fresh instance of cmd.exe under download path and run the following commands (without $)

  • $ RubixOneClickSetup-Windows.exe

  • Provide user password when asked

For detailed instruction Click Here

Latest Releases

Subscribe to GitHub repo wallet repository or home repository to be notified on new releases.

For help regarding getting notified for releases see documentation

GUI Wallet

CLI Node