Joining the Testnet
Faucet tokens are premined tokens available for users to test and interact with the Rubix testnet.
When a new node joins the testnet, it will have 0 tokens to start with. To help users get started, the Rubix testnet provides a faucet service where users can request premined test tokens. These tokens are not earned through validation but are instead distributed for testing and development purposes.
To request test tokens, users must first create a node in the Rubix testnet and generate a Decentralized Identifier (DID). The DID is then submitted to the faucet, which transfers requested amount of tokens to the users DID. The faucet have kept a limit on amount of token per node per day inorder to avoid spam requests.
Test tokens are free and allow users to experiment with the testnet’s functionality, such as performing token transfers, validating token chains, testing smart contracts etc. Unlike mainnet tokens, test tokens do not hold any real-world value and cannot be transferred to the main network.
Any computer or personal laptop with 8GB of RAM and a stable internet connection can seamlessly run Rubix for token transfers / become validator.
Download the latest Go binary package for your operating system from Go’s official site.
Follow the installation instructions for your OS.
Verify the installation and ensure the Go version is correct:
go version
- Visit IPFS Kubo releases and download version 19 suitable for your operating system.
- Locate the IPFS executable in the extracted files and verify if it has executable permissions.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the repository directory and checkout to the development branch
cd rubixgoplatform git checkout development
For Linux :
make compile-linux
For Windows :
make compile-windows
For MAC :
make compile-mac
Upon successful compilation, the “rubixgoplatform” executable will be created in a folder corresponding to your operating system. For example, on Linux (build directory), it will be located in the ./linux directory.
Ensure the following files are in the build directory:
- rubixgoplatform executable
- ipfs executable (from Kubo v19, extract and copy in the build folder)
- testswarm.key (Its already part of executable. Copy it to the build directory)
Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the
executable. This will already be present in the build /path/to/rubixgoplatform
Start a Rubix node with the following command:
./rubixgoplatform run -s -testNet -defaultSetup -p <node_name> -n <node_number> -grpcPort <grpc_port>
./rubixgoplatform run -s -testNet -defaultSetup -p node0 -n 0 -grpcPort 10500
This will start the node in port 20000. The port number where the node starts will be 20000+(node_number)
testNet: This flag will start the node in test network
defaultSetup: This flag adds a list of default quorums for testing. Skip this flag if you want to use your own quorums.
Replace the placeholders:
<node_name>: A unique name for your node
<node_number>: Numeric identifier for the node
<grpc_port>: Port number for gRPC communication
Once the node is running, open a new tab in terminal while being in the same build path, create a DID by executing:
./rubixgoplatform createdid -didType 4 -port <port_number>
./rubixgoplatform createdid -didType 4 -port 20000
Copy the mnemonic file somewhere safe. This will help with node recovery. To get the mnemonic file, go to below location:
cd /path/to/buildFolder/<Node_Name>/Rubix/TestNetDID/<did_generated>
Register the DID created by executing:
./rubixgoplatform registerdid -did <did_created> -port <port_number>
./rubixgoplatform registerdid -did bafybmicfvpln2j5yfjeokmafjsefz7ykibvtsg2swxmnr6nhvflj6qvo34 -port 20000
To get test RBTs (Rubix Blockchain Test Tokens):
- Open the faucet webpage in browser
- In the address field, provide your DID created above to receive test tokens for your node, and submit DID.
Verify test RBTs by checking the node’s token balance. To check balance of a particular DID:
./rubixgoplatform getaccountinfo -did <did> -port <port_number>
./rubixgoplatform getaccountinfo -did bafybmicfvpln2j5yfjeokmafjsefz7ykibvtsg2swxmnr6nhvflj6qvo34 -port 20000
You should see one RBT as below.
To transfer the specified amount of tokens to the destination DID:
./rubixgoplatform transferrbt -rbtAmount <transfer_amount> -senderAddr <sender_did> -receiverAddr <receiver_did> -port <sender_port_number>
./rubixgoplatform transferrbt -rbtAmount 1.0 -senderAddr bafybmicfvpln2j5yfjeokmafjsefz7ykibvtsg2swxmnr6nhvflj6qvo34 -receiverAddr bafybmibhh5zyobsmrn3t5yfeviwruifkogp3xmonhdzgc7qksyvhgqtble -port 20000
Congratulations! You have successfully joined the Rubix testnet. You can now use the node for testing and development purposes.
Now that you have successfully joined the Rubix testnet, you can:
- Explore Rubix’s testnet functionality, such as smart contracts and other APIs to get information related to rubix node etc.
- Use the Rubix Explorer to monitor transactions and node activity.
- Contact the Rubix team for further support.
Subscribe to rubixgoplatform repository to be notified on new releases.
For help regarding getting notified for releases see documentation