Rubix Versions
Watch this space for info on all previous releases
We are excited to announce our latest update, Rubix 2.6: Yamato. This new update transforms the way tokens are used on our platform. We introduce faster token transfers with less number of quorums (Only 5 out of 7 quorums have to sign), pledging/un-pledging of tokens to enforce PoP to the next level of accurate tracking of token transfers with improved security, enhanced authentication using secp256k1 parameterized ECDSA key pairs, and transaction validation.
Click here to download Rubix 2.6: Yamato
JDK version
- We recommend you to update the JAVA verison in your system to OpenJDK11. This is critical to run the Rubix executable without any hassle.
In this release we have introduced the use of ECDSA Key pair to further enhance the security, authentication and verification of tokens and transactions.
Please refer to use of the below API to create the ECDSA key pair for transaction and for quorum services, once you have started the rubix jar.
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST 'http://localhost:1898/generateEcDSAKeys' --data '{ "pvtKeyPass" : "<password>" , "returnKey" : 0}'
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST 'http://localhost:1898/generateQuorumKeys' --data '{ "pvtKeyPass" : "<password>" , "returnKey" : 0}'
- After creation of Quorum service ECDSA key pair, execute the below API to start quorum services. Note, kindly provide the same password that was used to create the quorum keys.
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST 'http://localhost:1898/startQuorumService' --data '{ "pvtKeyPass" : "<password>" }'
- Since the inception of ECDSA keys to rubix, to initiate a transaction users need to supply the password of the private key created for transactions. Kindly use the below API to initiate a transaction
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:1898/initiateTransaction --data '{ "receiver": "<receiver DID here>", "tokenCount":1, "comment":"transaction comments", "type":1, "pvtKeyPass" : "<password>"}'
Unpledging of pledged tokens
For those users running nodes as subnets, for every transaction the quorum would be pledging equivalent amount tokens to strengthen transactional security.
The pledged tokens will be moved to the path Rubix/PaymentsApp/PledgedTokens.json
Kindly use the below API to unpledge the pledged token. The process of unpledging is a PoW mechanism.
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:1898/unpledgeToken' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"tokenList": "<hash of token to be unpledged. >"}'
If you have questions or feedback, please DM us at @rubixchain.